Saturday, August 30, 2014



By Dr.Great Success

Why King’s Chamber is so important ? Why is that so important for the Modern World ?

During the Centuries great Leaders and army leaders, were looking for immortality. Although they considered themselves Gods, which is opposite to their quest for immortality, their constant obsession with immortality, never stopped. They were going and conquering new territories and constantly quested for the strange Elixir. Many historicians even confirm that their dominant motive in their constant conquering was looking for Elixir and their “good” motive was their desire for more financial, territorial & political power. Some of them didn’t even have “good” motive, although the obvious facts that that didn’t look like that.
            One of the most relevant examples if this endless Quest for immortality was the Big Napoleone Bonaparte, who following his far distant predecessor Alexander the Great, was questing and looking for this Drink, device or whatever it was, for bringing him Endless Immortal life.
            To Napoleon, Alexander the Great was great inspiration and in many situations of high importance for his ruling, he was emulating Alexander.  Just as Alexander was king of Macedon, hegemon of the Corinthian League, great king of Persia, and pharaoh of Egypt, Napoleon was emperor of France, king of Italy, mediator of the Swiss Confederation, and
protector of the Confederation of the Rhine.  It is also possible, had he succeeded in Russia, that he would have been protector of a Northern Confederation composed of the Grand Duchy of Warsaw (a possible precursor to a new Polish kingdom), Sweden, and Denmark. Also as a great admirer of Alexander the Great, Napoleon created a new system in Europe that in some ways mimicked the ancient Macedonian Empire. 
            By exploring the details of Alexander’s life, he found out that Alexander was constantly obsessed by Immortality, that additionaly convinced him and strenghten his quest on the same topic.
            On his way of following Alexander’s steps a very strange episode occured. Actually more recent episode associated with the mysterious fate of Alexander's remains took place in 1798, when Napoleon Bonaparte's armies invaded Egypt through Alexandria. In the courtyard of the mosque that had once been the church of St. Athanasius, standing inside a small open building, was a handsome, heavy sarcophagus carved from a single block of rare, beautiful, dark green breccia. It was decorated, inside and out, with Egyptian hieroglyphics. Although it was being used as a cistern for worshipers' ablutions before prayers, locals referred to it as "the tomb of Alexander." French troops removed it and transported it to the hold of a French hospital ship. It was said that they intended to bring it to Paris, where a monument to Napoleon would be built around it, thus associating the latter with Alexander the Great in much the same way rulers had done since Ptolemy first hijacked the funeral cortege in southern Turkey.
But in 1801, the British invaded Egypt and expelled the French. Antiquaries attached to the British forces knew about the so-called "Alexander sarcophagus" from travelers' writings. They searched for it specifically, removed it from the French ship, and today the sarcophagus is not in Paris, but in London, on display in the British Museum. 
            That episode didn’t prevent Napoleon to follow Alexander’s steps and like him go and visit Keops pyramid and in the pyramid visit and spent some time in King’s Chamber. In 1798 for exploring the great pyramid, he took with himself archelogists, engineers, astrologists, geometers, surveyors and other profiles of scientists.
            This event is even more misterious about Napoleon on his visit to the great pyramid. He asked to be left alone in the King’s chamber. When he emerged, it was reported that he looked visibly shaken. When an aide asked him if he had witnessed anything mysterious, he replied that he had no comment, and that he never wanted the incident mentioned again. Years later, when he was on his deathbed, a close friend asked him what really happened in the King’s chamber. He was about to tell him and stopped. Then he shook his head and said, "No, what's the use. You'd never believe me." As far as we know, he never told anyone and took the secret to his grave. 
            Alexander the Great also spent some time in King’s Chamber and during that time he had very strange evidence.
        What these great Leaders saw in King’s Chamber ?
     Did  they  see  and  realize the real goal of Great Pyramid in Giza ?
       Did  they  feel  the  power  that  was  given  to them by the concentrated energy in  King’s Chamber ? What evidence did they have ?
            The fact is that the King’s Chamber is located at the highest point of Great pyramid, on the height where in the most simple models of handy made pyramid strange energy is concentrated, that has strange nature and by which many things can be done ?
            The fact is that, many archeologists were looking for mummy but they never found body of pharaoh in Great pyramid, that later on was justified by the fact that in the Great pyramid many artefacts were stolen.
          No matter how it is, still one unanswered question remains. Did Alexander & Napoleon in King’s Chamber witnessed the Elixir of Immortality or they witnessed deeper evidence for this World ?
      If that is so and it is obvious that deeper evidence existed, still one question remains? Can we use the Power of Pyramids and King’s Chamber nowdays for Mankind’s benefit and was it that already done ?
       Does a  simple  person  can  have  benefits of it and not only Leaders ?
Used sources:



Od Dr.Great Success

Zašto je Kraljeva komora tako važna ? Zašto je to bitno za Moderni svet ?

Tokom stoleča veliki Lideri i vojskovođe su tragali za besmrtnošču. Iako su sebe smatrali Bogovima, ta konstantna opsednutost besmrtnošču, nikad nije prestala. Išli su u pohode, osvajali svet i konstantno tragali za Eliksirom. Mnogi istoričari čak tvrde, da dominantni motiv u hjihovim osvajanjima je bilo traganje za Eliksirom, a njihov dobar motiv je bio prigrabljivanje finansiske i teritorijalne moći. Neki od njih čak nisu imali ni dobar motiv, uprkos očiglednoj činjenici da to nije izgledalo baš tako.
            Jedan od relevantnih primera ove beskrajne potrage za besmrtnošču je i veliki Napoleon Bonaparta, koji je po primeru svog dalekog prethodnika Aleksandra Velikog tragao za tim napitkom, predmetom ili već šta bi to bilo, šta bi mu donelo besmtrnost. Napoleonu je Aleksandar Veliki bio velika inspiracija i u mnogim situacijama od ključne važnosti za njegovu vladavinu је Aleksandra i oponašao. Kao što je Aleksandar bio Kralj Makedona, hegemon Korintske lige, Veliki kralj Persije i Faraon Egipta, tako je Napoleon bio Imperator Francuske, Kralj Italije, Medijator Svajcarske konfederacije i Zaštitnik Konfederacije Rine, a da je uspeo da uđe u Rusiju bio bi i Zaštitnik Severne Konfederacije koje se sastojila od Veliko vojvodstvo Varšave, Švedske i Danske. Takođe kao veliki obožavatelj Aleksandrov, Napoleon je stvorio novi sistem u Evropi, koji je na neki način oponašao Antičku Makedonsku Imperiju.
            Istražujuči detalje Aleksandrovog života, saznao je da je Aleksandar bio opsednut i konstantno je tragao za besmrtnošču, što ga je dopunski uverilo i ucvrstilo u njegovoj potrazi na istu temu.

            Sledeći njegove stope krenuo je i u Egipat, gde se u 1798 god. odvila jedna misteriozna epizoda u potrazi za Aleksandrovim grobom. Kad su Napoleonove trupe osvojile Egipat, preko Aleksandrije, u dvorištu jedne Đamije, koja je ranije bila Crkva Sv.Atanasija, stojeći u maloj građevini, stajao je jedan sarkofag, koji je bio lepo dekoriran i koji je bio koriščen kao cisterna za Obožavače, a za koga je lokalno stanovništvo pričalo ubeđeno da je to Aleksandrov grob. Napoleonove trupe su ga preuzele i stavile na Francuski brod, koji nije stigao u Pariz jer je več 1801 god. Egipat osvojen od Engleza koji su tzv. Aleksandrov sarkofag odneli u Britanski muzej u Londonu.
            Ta epizoda nije omela velikog Napoleona da sledi Aleksandrove stope i da poput njega ode i poseti veliku Keopsovu Piramidu, a u njoj poseti Kraljevu komoru. U 1798 god. on je sa sobom uzeo arheologe, inžinjere, astrologe, geometre i druge profile.
      Događaj je što više misteriozan jer je Napoleon prilikom posete velikoj piramidi, zatražio da bude ostavljen sam u Kraljevoj komori. Kad je napustio Komoru, reportirano je da je izgledao vidno uzbuđeno. Kad su ga njegovi pomočnici upitali da li je bio svedok nečeg misterioznog, on je odgovorio da nema komentara i da neće više nikad da se o tom incidentu priča. Mnogo godine kasnije, kad je bio na smrtnoj postelji, njegov blizak prijatelj, ga je upitao: Šta se ustvari desilo u Kraljevoj Komori, a kad je Napoleon hteo da odgovori iskreno, odjednom se zaustavio i prestao pričati. Njegov sledeći odgovor je bio “Ne, koja je svrha da ti kažem. Ti mi nikad ne bi verovao “. Aleksandar Veliki je takođe proveo vreme u Kraljevoj Komori i imao je takođe čudna saznanja.
 Šta su ovi veliki lideri videli u Kraljevoj Komori ?
 Da li su shvatili i uvideli značaj i pravu svrhu Velike Piramide u Gizi ?
 Da  li  su  osetili  moći   koje  im  je  energija koncentrisana u  Kraljevoj  komori dala ? Do  koja  su još  saznanja  došli ?
              Činjenica je bila da se Kraljeva komora nalazila i još se nalazi na vrhu Velike Piramide, na visini na kojoj se u običnim modelima piramida koncentriše energija, koja ima nepoznatu prirodu, a kojom se mogu uraditi mnoge stvari ?
            Činjenica je bila da su mnogi arheolozi tragali, ali nikad nisu pronašli mumiju u Velikoj piramidi, što je kasnije pravdano njenom ograbljivanju ?
            Kako i da je još ostaje neodgovoreno pitanje da li su Aleksandar i Napoleon, u Velikoj Kraljevoj Komori bili svedoci Eliksira besmrtnosti ili bili svedoci dubljih uvida za ovaj svet ?
 Ako je to tako, a očigledno da je neki čudan uvid postojao, ostaje pitanje da li u današnje vreme možemo iskoristiti moć Piramide i Kraljeve komore zarad nekog benefita za Čovečanstvo i da li je to već urađeno ?
Da li te koristi može da ima obični čovek, u svakoj zemlji, a ne samo Lideri ?

Koriščeni izvori:

Wednesday, August 27, 2014



Cheops Pyramid...Mystic, Power, Religion, Warrior’s Prestige,...or scientific enigma...

There are a lot of scientiifc thesis, how pyramid was created, why was built,..etc., and at this moment we are interested, how somebody, the National Wealth of Egypt, one of the Sevent Wonders of the Ancient World, succeded to sell more then 20000 times !
I know that all this sounds weird  but you will see that this is the right truth.
Many conquerors were thinking of a ways, who they could take over whole Pyramid and take it in their own country.
Of course they failed to succeed because they didn’t have technology with whom they would take it, move it and not damaged it. At the very least instance, to grab someone else's national wealth is not moral neither ethical.
               Since the time when Keops Pyramid exists, it attracts huge amount of people to visit her and in modern times there are a lot Agencies that have Touristic tours in Egypt, where people can see this magnificent building. 
 Energy is everywhere and it is impossible to sell beauty without energy and on the bottom of everything to attrack people’s attention. By exploring Scientific  discoveries, it was concluded that Keops pyramid was used for drying the Nile’s delta and that on 2/3 of it’s height energy was created and illuminated, through the top. Exactly that energy was attracting people,...

To be continued on 1st September



Keopsova Piramida...Mistika, Moć, Religija, Prestiž ratnika,...ili naučna enigma...Postoje naučne teze, kako je stvarana piramida, zašto je građena,...itd., a nas ovom prilikom interesuje, kako je neko uspeo Nacionalno Blago Egipta, jedno od 7 Čuda Staroga Sveta, da proda više od 20000 puta !
Znam da vam ovo sve zvuči čudno, ali videćete da je to prava istina.
Mnogi osvajači su smišljali načine, kako da celu Piramidu preuzmu i odnesu u svoje države. Naravno to im nije pošlo za rukom, jer nisu imali tehnologiju kojom bi je uzeli, preneli, a da je ne oštete. U krajnjem slučaju, otimanje tuđeg nacionalnog bogatstva nije moralno niti etično.
            Otkad postoji Keopsova Piramida, privlači veliki broj ljudi, u moderno vreme postoje veliki broj Agencija koje vode Turističke ture u Egipat, da pokažu ovo velelepno zdanje.
            Sve ima energiju i ne može samo lepota bez energije da privuče interesovanje ljudi. Izučavajući naučna otkriča, došlo se do zaključka da je Keopsova piramida služila za isušavanje delte Nila i da na 2/3 njene visine je stvarala i isijavala energiju kroz vrh. Upravo je ta energija privlačila ljude....

                                                                                                                 Nastaviće se 01/09/14

Monday, August 25, 2014



One day, five of us established a company with an idea to help the biggest number of people to improve their health and to reach financial independence.  
            We advertised in the newspaper and started searching for the people who would become our partners/distributors.  We held promotions and had business dealings every day in our small company office that has size of 34 m2.  
We were giving promotional material to everybody. At one moment, we have found our commercial material thrown away in the garbage right next to our firm.  This made us change the strategy and we’ve started to charge 2€ to each who signed the contract and expressed interest to hear our promotion.  With earned money, we paid advertising and there was always still left for food. 
We ate nothing but meet pie for a month until our first product selling started. When it happened, we bought ourselves a meal in the small buffet near our office.


Sobering with apples came soon after the golden period of eating meat-pies. Seventeen days in a row, we had money only for apples. To tell you the truth, the apples never tasted so sweet as back then. 
We managed through it all, because we believed we are going to make a great company. Price to pay was a long road ahead of us, road of self-sacrifice and great persistence.
            Yet our wish was strong enough so we managed to establish a multilevel company PXD SYSTEM.        
I’ll tell you about two occasions that happened in the time of company making.
Company had a regularly working time from 10 am until 8 pm and we had a lunch break from 2 pm until 4 pm. At this time, we dined in the same room we used for business meetings and promotions.
One day, during our lunch break one of our partners came by. He peaked in and said: “Good appetite”! Our answer to this was “Thank you, feel free to join us”! After this interruption of our dinner, we all felt tense and uncomfortable because of this short interruption. Simply, it was clearly to us that we must ensure better working conditions.

The room that was turned into a waiting room had a pipe in the wall. The water from the pipe was used as a drinking water..

One day my partner went to get water. I remember, as if it was today. In the waiting room were about twenty people. One madam suddenly spoke to my partner “What kind of company is this with a pipe in the wall?  Why your company isn’t placed in the town Centre if you are so brilliant”?


My partner’s answer was genial “We are not a company with leather gallantry and marble boards where everything glitters and the wealth can be noticed. Companies like that only take your money and usually there is a fraud going on. We are a company that offers business possibility in a fair way”.  
Indeed, it was strength of a mission that you could see right away. I was proud of my partner’s answer. I learned that vision and idea that inflame your wish are crucial for success in such a manner.
Remember, it is relevant to write down goals on the paper. Nowadays, people have less time than ever to think about self and for self (who are you, what do you want to be, and why were you born). By writing the goals down, you stepped on road of discovering essence of your own existence – why you were born and that is the most crucial.  
Once you learn truth about yourself, you do not have to write down the goals anymore, because only then the desire itself will lead you towards your self-fulfillment and to the road of your happiness and wealth. It is good to write down your goals as a sort of a planner of your future achievements because with them you always have guidelines that lead you.
I have never let myself fail. I have lived and I live every day as if I was born to succeed. That keeps me in creative form of making ideas that attract success.   

Friday, August 22, 2014



Oduvek su kraljevi, plemenski vodači i bogataši tragali za retkim kristalima, kao što su dijamant, brilijant, rubin, safir,...itd. Ti kristali su bili retki i za svakog ko bi došao do njih, oni su predstavljali izvor bogatstva i moći. 

Gde god bi čuli da postoji ovo drago kamenje ( kristali ), nisu prezali ni od čega da bi došli do njega. Drago kamenje su koristili lideri svih religijskih pokreta, tokom vekova i smatrali ih za svetim i Božanstvenim.

Ta istina nije mimoišla, ni Aleksandra Velikog. Kristal koji mu je doneo najveću moć i slavu, bio je lorandit. Lorandit je veoma redak mineral koji može da se nađe samo u Makedoniji i možda u Šri Lanki. Taj kristal je nosio Aleksandar i svi njegovi Generali. Kristal im je davao izuzetnu koncentraciju, moć prekognicije i neverovatnu snagu, tako da nije ni čudo što je Aleksandar jedan od največih osvajača u istoriji sveta.

Naučni timovi, su pokušali da moć od svih vrsta kristala, koriste za ljudsko zdravlje i snagu. Najviše dokle su dospeli jeste da znaju da dijamant štiti auru od nepovoljnih uticaja zračenja, da drugi kristali daju snagu i vitalnost organizmu, a da treći čak leče ordeđene bolesti.

U svetu danas postoje mnogi ljudi koji se bave kristaloterapijom i preporučuju ljudima određene kristale. Ono što nikome nije pošlo za rukom, je da iskoristi Kristale metala i da napravi standardizovanu kristaloterapiju. To je pošlo od ruke jedino kompaniji PXD SYSTEM INTL. Proizvod se zove PXD Bioterapeut Ploča, koja daje energiju organizmu, opušta nervni sistem, smanjuje stres, povećava koncentraciju,...itd. Nije ni čudo što mnogi korisnici su vratili svoje zdravlje u ramnotežu i postigli vrhunske rezultate.

Da je Aleksandar imao ovu tehnologiju u ono vreme, danas bi se ceo svet zvao PXD SYSTEM !!!  



Since the Ancient times, the Kings, tribes leaders and rich people have quested for rare crystals, as diamonds, brilliants, rubins, saphires,....are. Those crystals were very rare and for each person that reached them, they represented the spring of welfare & powers.

Where ever they would here that those precious stones are, they would not care and sorry any tools to come to take them. Precious stones ( crystals ) were used by leaders of all religious movements, through out the centuries and they assumed them as Saint and Sacred.

This truth didn't pass by neither Alexander the Great. Crystal that brought him the greatest power & glory, was lorandite. Lorandite is very rare mineral, that can be found only in Macedonia and maybe i Sri Lanka. That crystal was worn by Alexander and all his generals. Crystal gave them extraordinary concentration, power of precognition and amazing power so it is not strange that Alexander is one of the greatest conquerors in the History of Mankind.

The Scientific teams tried to use the power of all crystals in improvement of people's health & power. Mostly where they reached was the fact to know that diamond protects the aura from the adverse influences of radiation, that other crystals give power and vitality to the body and the third ones even cure, certain diseases. 

In the World today, there are many people that use Crystalotherapy and recommend to people certain crystals. The thing that nobody did, is to use the Crystals of metals and to make Standardized Crystalotherapy. That was only done by PXD SYSTEM INTL. company. The product is called PXD Biotherapeut Plate and gives to the body energy, relaxes the nerve system, lowers up the stress, highers up the concentration,..etc. It is not weird that many of PXD Biotherapeut Plate's users brought back it's health in balance and rich top results. 

If Alexander had this technology at that time, today whole world would be named PXD SYSTEM !!!