Friday, November 14, 2014

Friday, September 19, 2014



Hollywood stars, when choosing different nutrition, take care of their looks and health. 
In their constant quest for Elixirs of health, many of them chose Kombucha, as their favorite drink. 

Among the stars, that use this ancient japanese drink in their daily diary regime are Gwyneth Paltrow, Kirsten Dunst, Reese Witherspoon, Lindsay Lohan, Madonna, Halle Berry, Meg Ryan, Anna Paquin, Cher, Barbara Streisand, Alec Baldwin and Susan Sarandon.

The claims for its medicinal value are as far reaching as they are implausible and include aging, anorexia, arthritis, atherosclerosis, cancer, constipation, diabetes, gallbladder disease, gout, hemorrhoids, hair growth and color restoration, headache, hypertension, HIV, immune boosting, indigestion, increased vitality, treatment of alcohol and coffee addictions, and wrinkle reduction.

            From 20 liters of this ancient drink, Kombucha Tea, Kombucha Extract called “Angels drink” is produced. All additional liquids are removed from the tea and extract is produced that gives 10 times faster & 10 times stronger results on the body, with no limits in its usage. In many cases, for fast detoxification of the body, one whole jar can be used but in case of 20 l. Of kombucha tea, 20 liters cannot be used. Extract can be used  also by the people that must not drink so much liquids especially when person’s have kidney’s problem.

            For regimes of body cleaning & detoxification, cleaning of liver and blood, first on the list is Kombucha Extract. This product is also ideal for sportsmen to use it before matches for improving endurance and body condition and also after matches for cleaning R-lactic acid and fast recovery of the body for new sports efforts. We must not forget, the recommendations for regular usage of kombucha extract in the regimes for loosing weight.

Follow the video, that will show much details:



Holivudske zvezde, pri izboru ishrane vode veoma mnogo računa o svom izgledu i zdravlju.
            U potrazi za Eliksirima zdravlja, veliki broj njih su izabrali Kombuhu, kao vodeći napitak. Među zvezde, koje koriste ovaj drevni japanski napitak u njihovom dnevnom dijetalnom režimu su Gvinet Poltrou, Kirsten Danst, Riz Viterspun, Lindzi Lohan, Madona, Hali Beri, Meg Rajan, Ana Pakin, Šer, Barbara Strejsend, Alek Boldvin i Suzan Sarandon.
            Izjave za njegovu medicinsku vrednost su neverovatne i idu od toga da se usporava starenje, deluje povoljno za lečenje anoreksije, arteroskleroze, kancera, konstipacije, dijabetesa, bolest debelog creva, giht, hemoroida, rastenje kose i restavracija boje, glavobolje, hipertenzija, HIV, podizanje imuniteta, loša probava, povećana vitalnost, tretiranje zavisnosti alkohola i kafe i redukcija bora.

            Od 20l. Japanskog drevnog napitka, Kombuhu Čaja, proizvodi se Kombuha Ekstrakt ’Anđeoski napitak’. Od čaja je izvađen sav višak tečnosti i dobijen je Ekstrakt, koji 10 puta brže i 10 puta jače, deluje na telo, bez organičavanja u njegovom koriščenju. U mnogim slučajevima, za brzu detoksikaciju tela, može se iskoristiti jedna cela teglica, ali u slučaju kombuhe čaja, 20 litara ne bi se moglo uzeti. Ekstrakt može da se koristi i kod onih ljudi koji ne smeju da piju puno tečnosti ili ljudi sa bubrežnim problemima.
            Za sve režime čiščenja i detoksifikacije organizma, čiščenje jetre i krvi, prvi na listi je Kombuha ekstrakt. Takođe idealan je i preporučuje se kod sportista pre mečeva za podizanje izdržljivosti i kondicije te posle mečeva za čiščenje D’mlečne kiseline i brzo oporavljanje tela za nove sportske napore, a nemojmo zaboraviti i preporuke za obavezno koriščenje ekstrakta u režimima zdrave ishrane i skidanja višak kilograma.

U produžetku sledi video, koji će vam pokazati mnogo toga:

Wednesday, September 17, 2014



U Drevnom Japanu, pre nekoliko hiljada godina, Japanski car i njegovi samuraji su koristili drevni napitak za snagu, zdravlje i dugovečnost.

Hiljadama godina, tajna se prenosila sa kolena na koleno, sve dok Japanski car, nije tajnu poklonio Kineskom caru.

Kineski car je želeo celom narodu dobro i tajnu formulu napitka je dao kao recept celom narodu.

Sada to više nije bila samo privilegija Japanskog cara i njegovih samuraja već cele Kine i njenog naroda.Iz Kine se tokov narednih vekova proširilo u celom svetu

U 21 veku u drevnoj zemlji ratnika - Makedoniji - pronađen je način da se napitak pojača 10 puta i da deluje 10 puta brže i bolje, nego izvorna formula.

Anđeoski napitak :
Daje energiju,
Opušta nervni sistem,
Diže imunitet na maksimalni nivo,
Čisti krv i
Regeneriše jetru
Ima snazno antikancerogeno dejstvo

Sadrži :
C vitamin
B kompleks
Glukoronsku kiselinu
Hiluronsku kiselinu
L- mlečnu kiselinu
Magnezijum, Kalcijum, Kalij

Od drevnog kombuha čaja je napravljen kombuha ekstrakt nazvan " Anđeoski napitak ".

Ovaj video će vam reći sve:



In Ancient Japan, thousands of years ago, Japanese king and his samurais were using ancient drink for strength, health and longevity. For thousands years, the secret was transferred from generation to generation until the moment, when Japanese king gave as a present the secret drink to Chinese king. The Chinese king wanted well for all his people and the secret receipt he gave to all the citizens in his kingdom.

Now, this was not only privilege of Japanese king & his samurais but a privilege for all China and from China it was spread all over the world.

Twelve years ago in the country of Ancient warrior, the way was found, how that drink is made 10 times stronger and how the secret drink effects the body 10 times faster, then the original secret formula.

Angels Drink boosts energy, relaxes the nerve system, highers up immune system at maximum, cleans blood & regenerates the liver because of glucuronic acid, has strong anticarcinogenic effect because of l-lactic Acid, best body detoxifier, changes body acidity to base,...etc.

This video will tell you everything


Monday, September 8, 2014



From Dr.Great Success

The Future becomes insecure, would we be able to have our descendants ?

The science proves that man can do everything what desires.

How science has been used, that is another question as well ?
If You assume that the electricity age, mobile phones & wireless technology age contribute in communication development, we ask ourselves are our kids alienated from each other by closing themselves in their rooms and playing games on the Net ?

The detail that surprises the most is the details that the frequencies created by power plants, mobile antennas, transformers can take away money from our accounts…!?

It is very simple because if somebody brakes your apartment’s window, you need to go to glass cutter and to buy a glass for your new window. The money are spent…

Frequencies called Non-ionizing radiation or “EMR” is taking money from our accounts. The question is for the parents whether they want to risk and not have descendants and grandchildren ? There are so many information on internet on this topic, that it is incredibly unclear Why Parents don’t take any action to protect it’s children ?
Now You have a chance for that…

The scientists have discovered that by using the mobile phone where we mostly keep it, the cancers and harder diseases can develop. Another fact says that power plants have it’s influence 650 m far from it and what to say about mobile antennas that are placed in every corner of our cities…

The hospitals are full of Young people that try to solve their own problems with infertility. Tumors and increase of destructive acting of young people justifies the fact that doctors work in full…Only one in-vitro or curing of miom on genitals, costs a fortune.

Take steps to protect yourself from deadly radiation and safe your money, health & descendants…



Od Gorana Stankovića

Budućnost postaje sve nesigurnija, da li ćemo uopšte imati naše potomke ?
Nauka dokazuje da čovek može skoro sve da uradi što poželi.

Kako se koristi nauka to je već drugo pitanje ?
Kada uzmete u obzir da doba struje, mobilne telefonije i wireles tehnologije doprinose razvoju komunikacije, dok se sa druge strane postavlja pitanje da li se naša deca otuđuju jedna od drugih, zatvarajući se u svoju sobu, igrajući igrice i zabavljajući se na netu.?

Začuđuje podatak da frekvencije koje stvaraju dalekovodi, mobilni predajnici, mobilni telefoni i trafo stanice mogu da nam skinu pare sa računa....!?

Jednostavno je, ako vam neko polomi prozor od stana, vi morate da odete kod stakloresca i da kupite staklo za prozor. Pare su potrošene...

Frekvencije nazvane Nejonizirajuče zracenje ili " EMR " nam uzima pare sa računa. Pitanje za roditelje da li žele da rizikuju da nemaju potomstvo i unuke ?
Na internetu ima toliko informacija o ovoj temi da je prosto neverovatno što roditelji ne preduzimaju akciju da zaštite svoju decu. Sada imate pravu priliku za to...

Naučnici su otkrili da koristeći mobilni telefon tamo gda ga najviše držimo može izazvati kancere i druga teža oboljenja. Takođe dalekovodi stetno deluj do 650 metara  udaljenosti, a da ne pricamo o mobilnim antenama/predajnicima kojih ima na svakom cosku...

Bolnice su pune mladih ljudi koji pokušavaju da reše svoj problem sa  neplodnošću. Tumori i porast destruktivnog delovanja kod mladih ljudi opravdava činjenica što doktori imaju pune ruke posla...

Samo jedan invitro ili lečenje mioma na materici košta čitavo bogatstvo. Preduzmite korake sada da se zaštitite od smrtonosnog zračenja i sačuvaćete novac, zdravlje i potomstvo...



What we have not faced, for the last 20 years,…Pig’s Flu, Bird’s Flu. And now and Entrepreneurs virus,…

Entrepreneurs virus is formed through excessive effort, especially when you are exposed to very big stress. Symptoms that are recognized as beginning of this virus are “the fall of concentration, fatigue, apathy, sadness, fear and tendency to drink alcohol”…
         Dr.Great Success together with its expert team for viruses has discovered clue substance for the cure and safe therapy…
MONEY – You need to have it in bigger amount
Money especially in foreign currency like Dollar or Euro, very fastely bring the patient in normal health condition…
The curing treatment can last few weeks and even few years, depending on how much the virus degradated the body and it’s vital organs/functions…
            Recommended therapy is consisted of Creation of Viral Cure called “Viral Marketing”, that is accessible to all and has very low cost…
 You can take over the receipt by Yourself and make the cure for fast recovery, from the “I don’t have money…” Virus
1. Write authentically Title that pays attention to all…
2. The Content needs to address to Your Client/Buyer in a way that it gives him certain solutions for it’s problems, instead of boring eulogy for Your products/service…The content has to be interesting and useful, so to have the power of Viral/Viral transferring from mouth to mouth through Facebook, other Social networks, Blogs, Forums,..etc. When the big attention has been done then massive medias take over Your content and transfer it further,
3. Share the text and send it all that You know. For that reason, it is very wise that You do Your own Blog, Video Recording,…etc
4. Don’t send to newspapers mail, because they will assume it as Spam ( under newspapers I include bloggers as well that have very big number of entries and readers and credible content on the net )…
5. Remember that You need to make something else also ( e-book, brochure ) that will be delt for free, because that is magical sentence for all of You that visit Your page…Please, remember again that You must not sell the products but give useful advises to Your targeted group / audience…
6. Define Your Buyer’s Profile to whom You write to ( worker, employed, medical person, kids or teenagers, entrepreneurs,…etc. ) and give them useful information at least 1-2 times a week,..You do that constantly as firm/writer until you exist…

Remember that the most important of all is the Content and Title, that is authentically and interesting to Your Profile of Your Buyer...

All of You get " Get Wealth with no investment " book FOR FREE, where you will find practical and creative solutions for all entrepreneurs and managers, how to do successful campaign, business and in which way to rich the money in a simplest possible way…

Get Wealth With No Investment
From Dr. Great Success

Text Author:
Goran Stanković

Send Your Email on FB or on so we can send You the book....



Šta se sve nije izdešavalo zadnjih 20 godina....Svinjski grip, ptičji grip. A sada i preduzetnički virus....

            Preduzetnički virus nastaje usled preteranog napora, pogotovo kada ste izloženi velikom stresu. Simptomi po kojima se prepoznaje početak virusa su " pad koncentracije, malaksalost, bezvoljnost, tuga, bes i sklonost ka alkoholu "....
          Dr. Great Success uz svoj ekpertski tim za viruse je pronasao kljucnu supstancu za lek i sigurnu terapiju....
NOVAC - trebate ga imati u što večoj količini...
Novac i to u stranoj valuti kao Dolar i Euro brze pacijenta dovode u normalno zdravstveno stanje...
Lečenje može da traje nekoliko nedelja pa čak i nekoliko godina u zavisnosti koliko je virus narušio sam organizam i vitalne organe/funkcije...
Preporučena terapija se sastoji od pravljenja viralnog leka nazvan " viralni marketing " koji je dostupan svima jer ima relativno nisku cenu...
Možete sami preuzeti recept i napraviti lek za oporavljanje od Virusa " Nemam pare " ...
1. Napišite autentičan naslov koji izaziva pažnju...
2. Sadržaj treba da se obraća vašem kupcu/klijentu na taj način da mu daje određena rešenja za njegove probleme, umesto sumornog hvalospeva za vaš proizvod/uslugu...Sadržaj mora biti zanimljiv i koristan kako bi poprimio snagu viralnog/ virusnog prenošenja od usta na usta putem fb, drugih socijalnih mreza, blogova, foruma itd..Kada se izazove velika pažnja onda i masovni mediji preuzimaju vas sadržaj i prenose ga dalje...
3. Sharujte ga i posaljite svima koje poznajete, u tu svrhu dobro je da napravite svoj blog, video snimak itd..
4. Ne saljite novinarima mail jer će ga tumaciti kao spam ( pod novinare ubrajam i blogere i sve koji imaju veliki broj posetilaca/citalaca i verodostojan sadržaj na netu )....
5. Zapamtite da treba da napravite i nešto ( e-knjigu,brošuru ) koja se deli besplatno, jer je to čarobna rečenica za sve koji posećuju vašu stranicu....Opet vas podsečam da ne prodajete proizvode već dajete korisne savete vašoj ciljnoj grupi/publici...
6. Odredite vaš profil kupca kome pišete ( radnik, zaposlen, medicinski personal, deca i tinejđeri, preduzetnici itd...) dajte im korisne informacije u kontinuitetu bar 1-2 puta nedeljno....To radite konstanto kao firma/pisac dok postojite....
Zapamtite da je najbitniji sadržaj i naslov koji su autentični i zanimljiivi vašem profilu kupca ...

       Svi dobijate knjigu " Get Wealth with no investment " BESPLATNO koja daje praktična i kreativna rešenja za sve preduzetnike i manađere, kako da naprave uspešnu kampanju, biznis i na koji način dolaze do novca veoma jednostavno...

Obogatite se bez početne investicije - Get Wealth With No Investment
From Dr. Great Success

Autor teksta
Goran Stanković

Pošaljite vaš email na FB inbox ili na kako bi vam poslali knjigu....

Friday, September 5, 2014



Keops Pyramid in its original shape, with its weight, height and volume, had to be resized without changed originality & function. He came to conclusion that Keops Pyramid, had to be done again, for sales purposes. Original dimensions were huge problem and for that reason, it was decide that it will be done Keops Pyramid, 2000 times reduced. The first test pyramids that were done, were made of paper, cardboard, glass, porcelain, metal, all of them were different colors and they looked very nice. The only thing that was missing, was the curative energy, that real Keops Pyramid has.
The thing that was done as a next step was to make Keops Pyramid, that will have the same properties as Keops Pyramid in Giza.
The shape was solved, the weight also, the law problems with Egyptians were removed but still there was something missing. Then a Bingo occured. Keops Pyramid was made of ceramic, with outside frosting and inside space of the Keops Pyramid including King’s Chamber was created when a column was made and on the top of the column a special chip was placed. A Chip was placed on 1/3 of the height and it was made of metal crystals.
The Chip had a shape of Tibetian space antena, made of metal crystals in very specific quantities and under special procedures done.
Now what left was that Keops Pyramid, 2000 times reduced, was checked how it affects people ? 50 People started using Keops Pyramid and the experiences were astonishing. All of those people said that they slept better, some of them lost swellings on the legs, they had more energy, they felt more calm, the heartbeat was normal, they were not nervous, even in many cases the preasure was regulated,…etc. 
        That this would not be a suggestive research, Keops Pyramid has been sent in International Institute in Germany, where all researches have been done for 3 months, on people. The results were that by Biopyramid’s usage the potential for stress was lowered, circulation was improved, the skin’s temperature was regulated and that the number of pairs of heartbeats was brought in normal as only one completely healthy person has.
Keops pyramid, not that improves the general condition of health and immunity but protects from harmful effect of electromagnetic radiation.
This Pyramid could have been sold to all the world. It was named PXD Biopyramid and then in one buzz 20000 PXD Biopyramids were sold. Everything else is legend.

The man that did that is named Dr.Great Success, he wrote 4 Books,...and became THE FIRST MAN THAT SOLD KEOPS PYRAMID, 20000 TIMES. 



Keopsova Piramida u svom pravom obliku, sa svojom težinom, visinom i zapreminom, je morala da poprimi drugačiji oblik sa nepromenjenom izvornošču. Došao je do zaključka da Keopsova Piramida mora ponovo da se napravi, kako bi mogla da se proda. Originalna veličina je predstavljala problem i zbog toga je odlučeno da se napravi Keopsova Piramida, umanjena 2000 puta. Prve piramide koje su bile pravljene su izrađene od papira, kartona, stakla, porcelana, metala, bile različitih boja i sve su izgledale odlično. Jedino što je nedostajalo, svima njima je lekovita energija, koju poseduje prava KeopsovaPiramida.

Ono što je urađeno, kao sledeći korak, je da se napravi Keopsova Piramida, koja će imati ista svojstva kao i Keopsova Piramida u Gizi.
Oblik je bio rešen, masa takođe, zakonske prepreka su bile otklonjene ali je još toga falilo. Onda je Keopsova Piramida bila napravljena od keramike, sa spoljašnom belom glazurom, a unutrašnjost  i Kraljeva komora je bila dobijena, kad se stavio stubić na visini 1/3, a na vrhu stuba je postavljen specijalan čip, napravljen od kristale metala.
Čip ima oblik, Tibetanske svemirske antene i napravljen je od kristala metala u specifičnom odnosu i pod posebnom procedurom.

Sad je ostalo samo da se ta ista Keopsova Piramida, sad samo umanjena 2000 puta, proveri kako deluje na ljude ? 50 Ljudi su krenuli da koriste Keopsovu Piramidu i iskustva su bila zapanjujuća. Svi su dali izjavu da su lepše spavali, nekima je spao otok sa nogu, imali su vise energije, osećali su se smirenije, srce nije kucalo ubrzano, nisu bili nervozni, čak se i pritisak regulisao,..itd.

Da ovo ne bi bilo sugestivno istraživanje, KeopsovaPiramida je poslata, na ispitivanje u Međunarodnom institutu u Nemačkoj, gde su vršena istraživanja na ljudima, 3 meseca. Rezultati su bili da se sa njenim korišćenjem smanjio stress, da se poboljšala cirkulacija, da se regulisala temperature kože i da se broj parova srčanih otkucaja doveo u normalu, kao što samo jedan kompletno zdravi čovek ih ima.

Keopsova Piramida, ne samo što poboljšava opšte stanje organizma i imunitet, već takođe štiti i od štetnog uticaja elektromagnetnog zračenja.

Ovakva Piramida, se mogla prodati celom svetu. Nazvana je PXD Biopirmida, a onda je iz cuga prodato 20000 PXD Biopiramida.
Čovek koji je to uradio se zove Dr.Great Success, napisao 4 Knjige,…i postao Prvi Čovek koji je Keopsovu Piramidu, prodao 20000 Puta.

Monday, September 1, 2014



Čovek koji je prodao 20000 puta Keopsovu piramidu, morao je da pronikne u tajne,
mistične moći Keopsove Piramide. Kroz traganje i izučavanje došao je do zaključaka, koji zapanjuju:
- Naziv Piramida sastoji se od dva dela, PIRO i AMID. PIRO znači Božanska vatra, AGNI – Vatra, Životna energija, Bio-kosmička energija, PRANA, a AMID znači Sredina ( Centar ), Nukleus
- Značenje Piramide.  Piramida predstavlja 5 elemenata Zemlje. 4 Strane označavaju  Zemlja, Vetar, Vatra, Voda, a Osnova je Etar
- Forma Piramide akumulira energiju okoline i to Sunčevu energiju preko dana, Energiju Meseca preko noći
- Energija je akumulirana na 1/3 od dna Piramide
- Nova Energija se stvara kombinacija kosmičke i Zemljine gravitacijske energije
- Kraljeva Komora se nalazi na tačno 1/3 od dna sredine Piramide, a to u Inžinjerskom smislu je Centar Gravitacije, a u Spiritualnom smislu Mogućnost za Meditaciju i Napredak
- Semenje stavljeno u Piramidi u Kraljevoj Komori ako se čuvaju 1-5 dana pre nego što je posejano omogućava porast prinosa od 30-100%
- Po Patrick-u Flanaganu koji je napisao par knjiga na temi Piramide i njene moći, Piramide sa tačnim relativnim dimenzijama Egipatske piramide ponašaju se kao “efektivni resonator promenjive polarizovane mikrotalasne signale koji mogu biti transformisani u električnu energiju“
 Posle dobro urađenog domaćeg zadatka, Čovek koji je prodao 20000 puta Keopsovu Piramidu, je krenuo u ustvarivanje Plana prodaje Keopsove Piramide.
            - Njemu su bile važne sledeće činjenice:
- Keopsova piramida je veoma teška ( velika masa )
- Vreme njene prodaje Blok po Blok bi bio jako spor
            - Njena veličina, a visoka je 110 m ne obečava da može svugde da se stavi
            - Zakonske regulative Egipta ne dozvoljavaju prodaju Keopsove Piramide
            - Ako se premesti iz svog originalnog mesta, da li će na drugom mestu, imati svoje moći
            - Potrebno je mnogo ljudstva da se jedna proda, a šta je sa sledečih 20000 piramida ?
            Čovek koji je prodao 20000 puta Keopsovu piramidu, je našao rešenja na sva ova pitanja i uspeo da ostvari svoj Cilj. Njegova odlična strategija je donela rezultat. KAKO JE TO ON URADIO ?

                        Nastavlja se 04/09/14



The Man who sold Keops Pyramid 20000 times had to penetrate in the secrets and
mystical powers of Keops Pyramid. Through the process of searching & studying, he came to astonishing conclusions:
- The name PYRAMID is consisted of 2 parts, PIRO & AMID. PIRO means Divine fire, AGNI – Fire, Life Energy, Bio-cosmic energy, PRANA and AMID means Middle ( Center ), Nucleus
- The meaning of pyramid. Pyramid represents 5 elements of Earth. 4 Sides signify Land, Wind, Water & Fire and the Basis is Ether
- The shape of Pyramid acumulates energy from the surrounding and that is Sun energy during the day, Energy of Moon during the night
- The Energy is acumulated on 1/3 of the botom of the Pyramid
- New energy is created as a combination of Cosmic Energy & Earth Gravitation Energy
- The King’s Chamber is exactly located on 1/3 from the botom’s center and that in engineering sense means Center of Gravity and in Spiritual Sense means Possibility for Meditation and improvement
- The seed placed in Pyramid in King’s Chamber and kept from 1-5 days there, when sewed gives 30-100% more yield than usual
- According to Patrick Flanagan, who wrote few books on the topic of Pyramid and it’s powers, pyramids with the exact relative dimensions of Egyptian pyramids act as "an effective resonator of randomly polarized microwave signals which can be converted into electrical energy."

After excellently done homework, the Man who sold Keops Pyramid 20000 times, went to realize his Major Plan for selling Keops Pyramid.
For him, few major facts were important:
- Keops pyramid is very heavy ( very big weight )
- The time for selling it block by block, it would be very slowly
- It’s dimensions, especially height of 139 m, it doesn’t promise that it can be put everywhere
- The laws of Egypt don’t allow, the sales of Keops Pyramid
- If the Pyramid is transferred from it’s original place to other, would it be possible that Pyramid has it’s powers yet?
- Very much people are needed that one Pyramid is sold and what is with the next 20000 pyramids ?
- One is already there and another 19999 should be built

The Man who sold Keops Pyramid 20000 times, found solutions on all these questions and succedeed to rich his goal. His Strategy of Excellence and Preeminence brought result. HOW DID HE DO THAT ?

To be continued 04/09/14