Tuesday, October 16, 2012



Sadam Demiri

"My name is Sadam Demiri, I'm from Cair, Skopje. I'm working on the hugest Market in Skopje, Bit Pazar. My life was going great, what else can be when a person is 18 years old except my overweight problem. I was 18 with so many more kilos that I became worried especially how I look like ? 

One day, one of our dear neighbors while I was talking about my kilos problem, suggested me: " Go and buy that Tea for loosing weight !?". I didn't understand her quietly, nor I understood the name of the product but I said: "OK Get me one!" She brought me one and then a person from the company suggested "Take PXD Kombucha Extract as well!". I didn't understand again but I agreed. I took them and started using them very carefully. I did that the next five months.
After 5 months I had 48 kilos less and it was nice for me, I was happy but my parents were worried and I went to see doctor. He was surprised and worried, because loosing weight in such a way, was not healthy at all. He did all analysis blood test, urine test. When he sat down with me, to tell me the results, he said:"You have the best results I have ever seen, whatever you used it was very very good!". That was amazing for me.
After a period I still have the same weight and I feel really Very Good !"

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