Monday, October 8, 2012



¥€$ Introduction
"Most people work In the business and not On the business. High performers are strategic so they always also work ON the business. Now days people have so many excuses. "Oh, it is recession. People don't have money. There is no jobs."
Well, I don't believe one second that this is true. Where do people get money for cigarettes and alcohol?
One of the main reasons why people don't buy our products and services to the extent we want is that we are not strategic. We don't work systematically enough on optimizing all aspects of our business.
We don't apply the Parthenon approach to business, where we have many pillars of marketing and getting clients and many venues of sales.
We don't have a most powerful mindset of sincerely wanting to add value to our clients, not only get their money.
We don't articulate in words what they feel. When we write from the heart we can touch people's hearts. Business is an art."
Quote: Akrura Dasa

If you believe that this quotation describes You, then this is the first Huge step for becoming Member of the most Prestigious PXD System Australia's Board of Directors

¥€$ More Qualities of the Future Director
√ Intelligent
√ Always Motivated
√ Always Seeking for Education that will change its Life
√ Not afraid to work under pressure
√ In all problems looks new challenges
√ Communicative
√ Stable 
√ Great attitude
√ Takes Care of its Health
√ Open minded
√ Honest
√ Responsible
√ Trust worthy

¥€$ Benefits
The new founded Board of Directors of PXD SYSTEM AUSTRALIA will have the following benefits:
Board of Directors becomes the main body that participates in:

 Creation and implementation of new ideas
√ Organization of the business
√ Creation and implementation of the Marketing plan of PXDS
 Leading and selection of certain Marketing campaigns
 Selection of new teams
√ The way of company leading
√ Formation of the new teams per certain states in Australia
√ Positioning of PXD SYSTEM’s Brand in AUSTRALIA
√ Decisions for the countries in region because PXD SYSTEM AUSTRALIA becomes Logistic and Education Center for New Zealand, Malaysia, China, Indonesia, Singapore, Papua New Guinea,…..Please see the picture

If you believe that You are the person that is PXD System Australia's New Director, please contact us for more details, further information, profit details on E-mail.

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